Now there’s room to grow™

Now there’s room to grow™

Luna Release 3 Oct 2023

We're excited to announce the latest Luna release is now live! Explore all the new features for the new Luna Client demo portal at your leisure.

October 04 2023 • 1 min read

Luna Release 3 Oct 2023

Demo Portals

We are thrilled to introduce a powerful addition to our platform - the Demo Portal feature. This feature streamlines the sales process by allowing users to demonstrate our platform to potential clients effectively. Users can now select between demo and real users from our database and allocate them to demo requests with ease. This enhancement ensures that we no longer need to create portals for potential clients who may not sign up for our services, significantly improving data quality and efficiency in our sales process.

Key Benefits:

  • Efficient Sales Demonstrations: With the ability to allocate demo users, our sales team can now provide potential clients with a comprehensive platform demonstration, showcasing the value of our services quickly and effectively.
  • Improved Data Quality: By allocating resources only to interested potential clients, we reduce the clutter in our database and ensure that we maintain high-quality, relevant client information.

How it Works:

  1. Access the Demo Portal: Navigate to the Admin Portal > Clients and create a new Demo Portal within our platform.
  2. Create Requests: Create a demo request that will display on the demo portal.
  3. User Selection: Users can choose between demo or real consultants from our extensive database. Select any amount of consultant and allocate them to a specific demo request with a EPS (Employee Project Status).
  4. Demo to client: Demo the portal to our next prospective client.

Why It Matters:

The Demo Portal User Allocation feature is designed to enhance our sales process by optimising resource allocation and improving data quality. By only creating portals for genuinely interested potential clients, we ensure that our sales efforts are more focused and fruitful. This feature demonstrates our commitment to delivering an efficient and customer-centric experience.

We hope you find this feature valuable in your sales endeavors, and we look forward to your continued success with our platform. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. Happy demoing!

P.S. Watch our video demo here.

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